Ujjayi Pranayama for Vata Dosha

Ujjayi pranayama (breath) is also called the psychic breath.

The benefits are that it is classified as a relaxing and stress reducing pranayama. It also has a heating effect on the body.

It is recommended for Vata Dosha predominant people because of this tranquilizing and heating effect.

Ujjayi soothes the nervous system, calms the mind, relieves insomnia – which is often associated with a restless mind and Vata qualities – and it has a very relaxing effect at the psychic level.

It will also slow down the heart rate and can help people with high blood pressure.

Ujjayi is often known as the Darth Vader breath, since this is the noise that it makes.

Take any comfortable meditation posture.
Close eyes and relax the body.
Bring awareness to the breath in the nostrils and let the breath become calm.
Then bring awareness to the throat. Imagine you are bringing the breath up through the throat, even though you are breathing in and out of the nostrils. Your mouth should be closed.
Breathing should be long and deep and controlled and you should be able to hear the sound of your own breath.

Repeat for 10 breaths and increase slowly up to 5 minutes or longer.

Make sure the body and face are relaxed when performing this pranayama.

Consult your doctor or physician if you have further questions regarding adding any changes into your health plan.

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