Constitutional Analysis (Prakriti)


Personal Ayurvedic Consult for your specific body type

  • Questionnaire given to determine Ayurvedic body type (Prakriti)
  • Dinacharya for your body type
  • Ritucharya routine for your body type
  • Best foods for your body type
  • Yoga positions based on your body type

This is an email only consultation. For a LIVE consultation with suggestions and remedies, please choose Ayurveda Health Assessment.

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There are three basic Doshas, or body constitutions in a very loosely translated context.

These are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each individual is given a specific combination at birth. As long as you remain true to your original Prakriti (body constitution), you will have no issues and no health problems. It is only when these doshas go out of balance due to incorrect foods, incorrect lifestyle, incorrect weather, poor assimilation of experiences etc, then you will have issues either in the mental, emotional, or physical body.

Knowing your exact constitution will help you eat the correct foods and maintain the correct lifestyle to keep balance in the body. This assessment will determine your natural constitution and any imbalances. Recommendations will be given based on your specific constitution.

After purchase, you will receive the downloadable assessment form. You will fill out the form and send it back to receive the results along with explanation of your dosha and foods and lifestyle best for your constitution.

**This is NOT a computer generated result, this is done by hand and emailed back to you.

How is this different than the Ayurveda Health Assessment? This one is the emailed version.


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