Chakra Assessment


Assessment of current condition of chakras and harmonizing techniques

There are 7 major energetic centres in the body. These energy vortices, or chakras, are the centres for concentrated energy. For example, the third chakra, manipura chakra, is the seat of our energy, will-power, determination, digestion, etc.

If energy is easily flowing through these chakras, then there is no disturbance in the mind, the emotions or the physical body. If energy is blocked or there is an over abundance of energy in one area, then we have problems. These problems can eventually manifest into the physical body. If, for example, we consistently have a block in the third chakra, this would come out as any issues relating to digestion in the physical body.

The chakra analysis will let me determine where your energy is blocked and then to give remedies and techniques on how to unblock the energy.

You will receive three pdf’s. The Chakra Assessment will be completed and sent back to me so I may determine which Chakras are currently out of balance and give remedies and techniques. The second two pdf’s are for your benefit to review. Contact me if you have questions.

**This is NOT a computer generated result, this is done by hand and emailed back to you, current times for receiving are 3 days. 35 euro

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There are 7 major energetic centres in the body. If energy is easily flowing through these centres, called chakras, then there is no disturbance in the mind, the emotions or the physical body. If energy is blocked or there is an over abundance of energy in one area, then we have problems. The chakra analysis will let me determine where your energy is blocked and then to give remedies and techniques on how to unblock the energy.

**This is NOT a computer generated result, this is done by hand and emailed back to you, current times for receiving are 3 days. 25 euro


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